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I Am, I Can, I Will: A Guided Journal of Self-Discovery for Black Girls by Cynthia Jacobs Carter, Steffi Walthall (Illustrator)

The Gift of the Great Buffalo by Carole Lindstrom, Aly McKnight (Illustrator)

By the Fire We Carry: The Generations-Long Fight for Justice on Native Land by Rebecca Nagle

Mary Had a Little Jam by Tammi Sauer, Vanessa Brantley-Newton (Illustrator)

Flipiflopi: How a Boat Made from Flip-Flops Is Helping to Save the Ocean by Linda Ravin Lodding, Dipesh Pabari, Michael Machira Mwangi (Illustrator)

If My Hair Had a Voice by Dana Marie Miroballi, Patricia Grannum (Illustrator)

Our Differences Make Us Stronger: How We Heal Together By LaJune Montgomery Tabron, TeMika Grooms (Illustrator)

Anansi: New & Ancient African Tales (Myths, Gods & Immortals) by Ivana Akotowaa Ofori

I'm That Girl: Living the Power of My Dreams by Jordan Chiles

Black Tunnel White Magic: A Murder, a Detective’s Obsession, and ’90s Los Angeles at the Brink by Rick Jackson, Matthew McGough

Play It Forward: How Women Are Changing Sports to Change the World by TOGETHXR

World Eaters: How Venture Capital is Cannibalizing the Economy by Catherine Bracy

Black Girls Gardening: Empowering Stories and Garden Wisdom for Healing and Flourishing in Nature by Amber Grossman

The Inner Fitness Revolution: A Roadmap to Your Freedom and Joy by Tina Lifford

My Selma: True Stories of a Southern Childhood at the Height of the Civil Rights Movement by Willie Mae Brown

The Man the Moment Demands: Master the 10 Characteristics of the Comprehensive Man by Jason Wilson
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