We've partnered with Libro.FM!
Now we can offer you audio versions of all the books you love! Just click the button for "Buy audiobook" on any product page, under the buy button
Truly own your audiobooks
Audible uses DRM (Digital Rights Management) software to block you from using the files you "own" anywhere but on their player. And while they say you own it forever, a title can still possibly be retired from their collection, and you'll lose all access to it.
With Libro.FM, you own the files completely, with no restrictions, so you can play them in any audio player you want, and save them permanently on your drive.
Help us grow while you listen
You have a choice where to spend your hard-earned money, and your buying power is important. You can support Audible, and Amazon, a company synonymous with putting moms and pops out of business, and who's goal is to colonize Mars. Or you can support Libro.FM, who allow you to choose us as your local bookstore, and share a portion of each sale with us, who's goal is to increase literacy in the very same community that you live and work in.
More freedom and rewards
Unlike Audible, Libro.FM allows you to easily pause or cancel your subscription, without losing your credits. They also have a referral program, so you can invite your friends to try with a free book, and if they join, you earn credits!
Learn More
Click the link to go right to Libro.FM, learn more about who they are and what they do, and sign up to start listening!